Disgorge (USA - 1992)
Genre(s) Brutal Death Metal
Lyrical theme(s) Gore, Anti-Christian, Violence, Death...
In 1992- Bryan Ugartechea, Tony Freithoffer and Ricky Myers started what was to become
one of California's most brutal death grind bands!
In that year they released their first demo "Cognitive lust of Mutilation".
Shortly after, Disgorge relocated to San Diego California to establish their name in the underground scene.
During the move the band parted ways with bassist/vocalist Bryan Ugartechea.
Immediately, new members Matti Way-vocals and Eric Flesy-bass filled Brian"s position.
Pada Th' 1992,
Bryan Ugartechea, Tony Freithoffer dan Ricky Myers mulai membentuk Band yang nantinya akan menjadi Band Death Grind paling Brutal dari California!
Pada tahun itu juga mereka me-release Demo "Cognitive lust of Mutilation".
Gak lama kemudian, Disgorge pindah ke San Diego dan mulai merintis karir di kalangan underground San Diego.
Selama masa-masa pindah tempat itulah, Bryan Ugartechea (Vox/Bassist) keluar, yang segera digantikan oleh Matti Way (Vox) dan Eric Flesy (Bass).
Bryan Ugartechea - Vocals/Bass
Tony Freithoffer - Guitars
Ricky Myers - Drums
1. Womb Full of Scabs 02:30
2. Acts of Suffering 02:42
3. Disentomb 02:51
4. Prolong Anoxia 03:15
Total playing time 10:38