Disgorge (USA - 1992)
Genre(s) Brutal Death Metal
Lyrical theme(s) Gore, Anti-Christian, Violence, Death...
In 1997 Tony Freithoffer and Eric Flesy left the band to pursue other things.
Ricky and Matti began looking for new members, which weren"t found until late 1998.
Diego Sanchez-guitar and Ben Marlin-bass of Strangulation (a local death metal band) decided to join Disgorge
then signing with Unique Leader Entertainment,
shortly after they released their full-length album entitled "She Lay Gutted" in November of ‘99.
Pada Th 1997, Tony Freithoffer & Eric Flesy keluar dengan alasan pribadi.
Ricky dan Matti mulai mencari anggota baru sampai akhir Th 1998.
Setelah mereka me-release "She Lay Gutted" pada Nov 1999,
Diego Sanchez (Guitar) dan Ben Marlin (Bass) (Strangulation - Band Death Metal lokal) bergabung, mereka segera dikontrak Unique Leader Entertainment.
Disgorge (US) - She Lay Gutted (Full) 1999
Matti Way - vocals
Diego Sanchez - guitar
Ben Marlin - bass
Ricky Myers - drums
1.Revelations XVIII 03:31
2.She Lay Gutted 02:41
3.Exhuming the Disemboweled 03:01
4.Compost Devourment 01:53
5.Sodomize the Bleeding 03:05
6.False Conception 02:51
7.Womb Full of Scabs 02:24
8.Disfigured Catacombs 02:37
9.Purifying the Cavity 02:49
Total playing time 24:52