Left to Right : Eric Hoffman, Steve Asheim, Glen Benton, Brian Hoffman
Deicide (USA - 1987)
Genre(s) Death Metal
Lyrical theme(s) Satanism, anti-Christianity
\De"i*cide\, n. [L. deicida a deicide (in sense 2); deus god + c[ae]dere to cut, kill: cf. F. d['e]icide.]
1. The act of killing a being of a divine nature; particularly, the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. [R.]
Earth profaned, yet blessed, with deicide. --Prior.
2. One concerned in putting Christ to death.
Known the world over as one of the founding fathers of Death Metal,
Deicide stand strong to this day as one of the most influential and controversial metal bands ever. With a relentlessly brutal sound and uncompromisingly blasphemous lyrics,
Deicide helped set the standards for Death Metal well over a decade ago
and have maintained those standards ever since.
Emerging from the Tampa, Florida metal underground, Deicide began life in 1987.
The band was originally called Amon (US), and recorded two demos under this name,
which were later released on CD as "Amon - Feasting The Beast."
Consisting of frontman Glen Benton on bass and vocals, brothers Eric and Brian Hoffman on guitar, and Steve Asheim on drums.
Amon's demos caught the attention of Roadrunner Records and Roadrunner signed the band.
They changed the name to Deicide in late 1989, just prior to the recording of the self-titled debut. This was done at the insistence of their then-label, Roadrunner Records,
because there was a song called "'Amon' Belongs to 'Them'" on the King Diamond album, "Conspiracy."
Dikenal secara luas sebagai salah satu penemu Death Metal, Deicide tetap kokoh berdiri sampai sekarang sebagai salah satu Band Metal yang paling berpengaruh dan kontroversial.
Dengan Brutal sound yang tanpa ampun dan dengan lyrics yang menghina Tuhan,
Deicide telah menetapkan standar untuk Death Metal sejak satu dekade lalu,
dan masih mempertahankan standar itu.
Deicide berasal dari Undeground Metal di Tampa, Florida pada 1987.
Pada awalnya Band bernama Amon (US), dan telah merekam 2 Demo,
yang kemudian di release sebagai "Amon; Feasting The Beast".
Terdiri dari Glen Benton pada bass dan vocals, Eric and Brian Hoffman bersaudara pada guitar,
dan Steve Asheim pada drums.
Rekaman Demo Amon Band menarik perhatian Roadrunner Records yang kemudian mengontraknya. Mereka berganti nama menjadi Deicide pada 1989, sesaat sebelum merekam debut Demo tersebut.
Hal ini dilakukan karena desakan pihak Roadrunner, karena telah ada lagu berjudul "Amon' Belongs To Them'", milik King Diamond pada album "Conspiracy".
Apparently to show how much Benton despises Christianity,
he has branded an inverted cross into his forehead using nothing but a flaming coat hanger.
After seven times embedding a red hot inverted cross into his skin, it has scarred into its shape.
He did it in the early days of Deicide out of boredom.
Roadrunner released Deicide's blistering self-titled debut in 1990.
Recorded at Tampa's Morrisound Studio (the legendary studio where Deicide would go on
to record all its albums), "Deicide" would one day be hailed as one of the
"Top 100 Metal Albums of the 90's" by England's metal authority, Terrorizer Magazine.
Secara terang-terangan untuk menunjukkan bagaimana Benton memandang rendah umat Kristiani, dia telah membuat tanda salib terbalik pada dahi-nya dengan memakai gantungan baju yang membara.
Setelah tujuh kali menempelkan benda membara berbentuk salib tebalik tersebut,
barulah dahinya timbul tanda tersebut.
Roadrunner me-release debut album Deicide pada 1990.
Di rekam di Tampa's Morrisound Studio (Studio yang me-legenda, dimana Deicide merekam seluruh albumnya disana), "Deicide" pada saatnya nanti akan dihormati sebagai salah satu "Top 100 Metal Album tahun 90-an" oleh majalah Terrorizer.
Roadrunner Records, June 25th, 1990
Glen Benton - Bass/Vocals
Eric Hoffman - Guitar
Brian Hoffman - Guitar
Steve Asheim - Drums
Remastered and re-released in 1998.
1. Lunatic of God's Creation 02:42
2. Sacrificial Suicide 02:51
3. Oblivious To Evil 02:41
4. Dead By Dawn 03:56
5. Blaspherereion 04:15
6. Deicide 04:02
7. Carnage In The Temple of The Damned 03:33
8. Mephistopheles 03:35
9. Day of Darkness 02:05
10.Crucifixation 03:55
Total playing time 33:35