Disgorge (Mex) [1997] Chronic Corpora Infest

Formed in Mexico (Queretaro, Qro) 1994
Genre(s) Brutal Death Metal/Grindcore
Lyrical theme(s) Pathology, excrement, perversion, massacre...
@ Myspace

Current line-up :
Edgar ~ Guitar, Vocals
Gerardo ~ Guitar, Vocals
Hector ~ Bass
Willy ~ Drums

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Sound Quality ! * * * *

Band : Disgorge
Origin : Mexico
Album : Chronic Corpora Infest
Year : March 1997 - American Line Productions
Complete tracklist of 1999 edition :

1. The Vile Sores in Urticariothrocisism Goulashed Decrepitance
2. Stygmatodermuropyanephrosism on Impetiginose Urogenism
3. Faecalized
4. Rancid Bowel Sarcoma 
5. In the Acro Cianotyc Post Clonning Ectopysm
6. Lynphatic Orgy in a Ulcerated Incubation
7. Viscose Oseal Fibroma
8. Gribbled Maggotized Pregnant Inside into a Fetid Renal Sarna
9. Pedophilamorphia of Excreachollemical Endolapse   
10. Spasmobliterance Filtrates Scabs /
      Urethrive Decortico Xantomatose Muco Gestated Scallfolds
11. Stygmatodermuropyanephrosism on Impetiginose Urogenism (rehearsal)
12. Grotesque Devourment (rehearsal)
13. Monument to my Remains (rehearsal)
*track 10 being the 2 songs from 1998 split 7''EP with SQUASH BOWELS
Total playing time : 56:01

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